AML Self-Assessment Report
Overall Score
AML Risk Rating
Medium High
A. Money laundering risk
I. Risk of money laundering from the business environment of the reporting entity
1. Risk of money laundering from the industry or sector in which the reporting entity operates
Medium High
The entity is in Banking industry
2. Risk of money laundering from the country or jurisdictions in which the reported entity operates
The entity operate in Vietnam, Singapore and Hong Kong, with main source of income comes from Vietnam
II. Risk of money laundering from business activities
1. Risk of money laundering from customers
Medium Low
Ratio of High Risk Customer is from 2 to 4 percent
2. Risk of money laundering from products and services provided to customers
Main product/service is Saving.
3. Risk of money laundering from the way products and services are distributed
3.1 Evaluate bank's transaction channels
Medium High
Around 70-80% of customers transact via non-Face to face channels
3.2 Evaluate 3rd-party transacion channels
Medium High
Around 70-80% of customers transact via non-Face to face channels
B. The level of compliance with the internal AML policies and regulations
I. Comprehensiveness of internal policies and regulations on AML
1. The adequacy of internal policies and regulations on AML
Medium High
Internal regulations and policies satisfied 70-80% items of AML Regulation (quantitative)
2. The level of compliance with AML legislation (qualitative)
Medium High
Internal regulations and policies are 70-80% similar with Regulation (qualitative)
3. The level of consistency with the level of money laundering risk of the reporting entity
Medium High
Internal regulations and policies can cover 70-80% AML Risk
4. The periodic re-evaluation of internal policies to comly with changes in law or regulations and operational practices
Internal policies are reviewed every 12 months
II. The effectiveness of the implementation of internal policies and regulations on AML
1. The efficiency of implementation of AML measures
1.1 Availability of compliance system and reporting
There is no system in place, reports are done manually
1.2 STR report information
placeholder for explaination
1.3 Accuracy of CTR, DWT, EFT Report
Around 10-15% of submitted report are feedback with inaccuracy
2. The level of understanding, compliance with rules and professional standards of leaders and employees with relevant responsibilities for AML
2.1 Number of training sessions
Total of 3 training sessions was organized in the past 12 months
2.2 Results of training sessions
placeholder for explaination
2.3 Ratio of trained staff
Around 70-80% of staff were trained in the past 12 months
2.4 Group of trained staff
Training were provided for Compliance Officer and Manager
3. The level of efficiency of AML management.
3.1 Errors in operation (SBV, Internal Audit)
Internal Audit discovered some errors classified as low risk.
3.2 The extent to which problems have been remedied
No more remainning problems.
3.3 Automation level (software application)
Medium Low
Applied software solution in basic level, having KYC, Transaction Monitoring and Payment Screening.